Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#DwtS Week 5

I'm glad the show is down to 90 minutes now.

Ralph and Karina's Samba: I liked the inclusion of line dancing and a bit of two-step; it's not a proper Samba, but with a song like Sweet Home Alabama it pulled the song and dance together. I'm glad Carrie-Anne stepped up with the "What do you expect when we give them a theme and song choice like this for a Samba?". One thing I hate on this show when they force the performers to be gimmicky and then criticize them for being too gimmicky.

Chris and Cheryl's Viennese Waltz: It was nice. I don't have much else to say about it.

Petra and Dmitry's Quickstep: I thought they did a really good job and Petra kept up with the music very well. My complaint was with the camera angles. Very often when it would have been best on the feet, it was on their upper bodies.

Romeo and Chelsie's Foxtrot: That was a really girlie neckline on Romeo's tank top during practice. I think he found the right note of elegance and swagger except for the weird surprised duckface expression he had for much of the dance. He and Chelsie were a bit out of sync a few times. Overall it was really good and Chelsie did a really nice job on choreography to go with that song.

Hines and Kym's Rumba:  Not my favorite dance for Hines, but the caveat to that is that I'm not a big fan of the rumba in genera. I thought he lacked romance and was a bit stiff in his upper body.

Kirstie and Maks's Foxtrot: Travolta was actually kinda funny. They should've put Maks's flag tattoo on his back rather than his side; from the front it looked like he had his ribs exposed. Kirstie was great, there were no disasters, but I get what Len was saying about the feel of the dance. Bruno is hilarious.

Kendra and Louis's Foxtrot: Kendra's whining is getting on my nerves. She's still obviously not really slipping into the song and I think that's quickly going to hold her back in the competition. I didn't like the dance at all, but I think that's more because the choreography options were rather limited by the song.

Chelsea and Mark's Samba: It was really good. I don't know why Mark so often feels the need to push the envelope and stretch or break the rules when he's obviously capable of doing an amazing job within the parameters of what's standard for a dance.

I think Kendra/Louis and Petra/Dmitry are most likely to be in the bottom two, but it's getting really tough to say.

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