Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Face for Radio

As previously mentioned David and I are producing a podcast. I don't know exactly how it happened, but I suspect me becoming a podcast producer happened in a similar manner to me becoming the assistant coach for a U8 soccer team. Date night found us at Best Buy, a music store, and a Source asking questions and pricing stuff out. The next day we found ourselves at Axe Music where a brisk and knowledgeable young man named Frank got us loaded up bought sound equipment and handed my Mac Mini over to David for a little studio in our house. I've got someone coming up with some logo designs for consideration and we'll get business cards printed up and I've put out feelers for a theme song.

I like the producing, I'll probably ultimately like the webmaster stuff though it's frustrating right now, and I don't even mind being on air much. I just really hate listening to myself. We had our first guest last night, James (Sherri's SO), and he did an awesome job. Very natural and personable and had really good timing with David.

It's been a pretty video game-centric podcast thus far, but I'm hoping we'll have some other guests come on. We'll talk about anything. We love and encourage shameless self-promotion and all we ask is that the guest help spread word about podcast in return.

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