Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#DwtS Week 1

New season, new celebs, same old filler. Still, glad to have another season to critique as if I know what I'm talking about. It seems like the last few seasons have started off with giving them some of the harder dances right off the start and then criticizing them for not keeping up. Why not save the dances that are known to be difficult for later in the season?

Chelsea & Mark's Foxtrot: I have no idea who this Chelsea person is, but I liked her. She was bubbling with personality and didn't look at all out of her comfort zone, which a lot of stars do on their very first dance. I look forward to seeing more from her.

Wendy & Tony's ChaChaCha: I'm just not feeling it, but I don't have anything specific to say. She's just a fish out of water here. It actually felt a little bit like a bad drag show.

Hines & Kim's ChaChaCha: Hines can really move those long legs. He had a really nice confidence and just the right amount of swagger. Kim seems to have upped her sexy quotient a bit rather than the cutesy image I usually have of her. Really good dance. Also, I <3 Len and Bruno.

Petra & Dmitry's Foxtrot: It was nice...and bland. It just didn't pop or have much notable about it.

Romeo & Chelsie's Chachacha: At the very start I thought his footwork was going to be stilted, but he did get it together much better than I expected. He was a bit clompy because he wasn't on his toes, but at least his feet were moving well.  Putting him in all black and her in sequins was a good way to mask what was lacking in the hips.  Good charisma, high potential, a nice dose of endearing humility mixed in with the bravado.

Sugar Ray & Anna's Foxtrot: He was the most charming gentleman on the floor tonight. I liked it. He needs work, but his charisma is going to keep him a fan favorite for a while.

Kendra & Louis's ChaChaCha: She wasn't bad in terms of dancing, but I found her very obnoxious during the training clips. Don't like her so far.

Ralph & Karina's Foxtrot: Didn't Ralph used to be cute? Even so, he was great and totally surprised me. I hope he keeps it up.

Chris & Cheryl's Chachacha: Pyrotechnics on the very first episode? I wish they'd save props and gimmicks for later. He was okay, but he needs a bit more flexibility and swish and Cheryl needs to challenge him more.

Mike & Lacey's Foxtrot: His timing was a little off and it was stiff, but there's a glimmer of potential. I thought the judges scores were a just tad harsh. I did enjoy watching them together so I hope he finds his flow soon. Another great Lacey dress.

Kirstie & Maks's Chachacha: I was dubious when I heard Kirstie was on this season. I thought it was going to be a repeat of Margaret Cho, with awkward routines relying too much on comedy. I was very pleasantly surprised. Kirstie didn't look too bad in the rehearsal clips; she was maybe not doing the moves fast enough, but it looked like she had the concept down. I feel like she pulled it all together really well for the performance and did a really good job. I do hope that her time on the show isn't just one long "lulz, I'm fat!" schtick, however; I think she's a better actress and a better comedien than that.

I think my favorites were Kirstie and Ralph, followed by Hines and Sugar Ray. Also an honourable mention for Romeo because I feel like he has the potential to really explode and I want to see what else he can bring.

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